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Customized Self-Employment: Small Business Feasibility and Support $68.75
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Customized Self-Employment: Small Business Feasibility and Support

For many people, being self-employed is an exciting idea. Self-employment offers many attractive opportunities such as being able to earn a living doing work that you love, being your own boss, and having a flexible schedule. For people with disabilities and other barriers to finding a job, self-employment offers a chance to create work that is a good fit for the person’s skills, interests, favorable working conditions, and support needs. Self-employment is a way for a job seeker to contribute to the community while earning a living through work that is a good fit. 

Some people think that wanting to be self-employed or simply having an idea for a business is enough to make that business successful. Unfortunately, this is usually not true. Before investing time, energy, and money into launching a business, the person who wants to be self-employed must learn enough about the business idea to decide if it can be successful.

ITEM: #1666544
Customized Self-Employment: Small Business Feasibility and Support
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